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Interactive Learning
Learn with an interactive video that asks you to participate in all of the vocal efforts with clear examples that are tons of fun.
Now it’s your turn to activate what you learned and showcase the new voices you created through animation. You get the option to duet/remix an animated character on social media.
We provide a bonus toolkit so that whenever you have an audition, presentation, or project you can easily create characters.

Module Overview
Module 1: Key Efforts + Activation
We will teach these vocal efforts that you can use in every single character. Activate by using what you learned to play a “Villain”
Module 2: Standout Efforts + Activation
It’s time to stand out from the rest of the crowd and bring maturity into your script reading. Activate with an animated character as the “Victim”.
Module 3: Hero Efforts + Activation
Finish off with your final hero efforts to complete the framework of 101 Animated Vocal Efforts. Activate with an animated video where you can play the “Hero”.
Module 4: Create Your Own Unique Voice + Character Creation Tool
Create your own unique voice. Use the Chracter creation tool to easily create characters. Activate your character by adding your unique voice to an animated character.

Choose a Payment Plan that is right for you.
Program starting at $550
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