
Family Arts Fest

Family Arts Fest – Malibu, CA

Free Events for Families

Family Arts Fest

Family Arts Fest |⭐️Free for Families affected by the CA Fires⭐️
Please register
Sat, Feb 1st, 2025
Hosted by @pepperdinecfa Pepperdine Center for the Arts
24255 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90263

Enjoy a petting zoo, arts activities, food trucks, face-painting, museum tours, and more! This free event, hosted by the Lisa Smith Wengler Center for the Arts with a Dance Party with DJ Princess Ellie, followed by a performance of The Pa’akai We Bring in Smothers Theatre by the Honolulu Theatre for Youth. Tickets are required for the theatre performance and can be purchased in advance on the Center for the Arts website. Complimentary tickets are available for families affected by the recent fires; send an email to to reserve.

11 AM–3 PM, Art Activities inspired by current exhibitions; Take Home Art Kits from Corita Art Center @coritaartcenter
11 AM–1 PM, Face Painting by Rainbow Painted Smiles @rainbowpaintedsmiles
11 AM–1 PM, Mobile Zoo of So Cal @mobilezooofsoutherncalifornia
11:30 AM–12:30 PM, Dance Party with DJ Princess Ellie @DJPrincessEllie
11:30 AM, Guided Tour of the Weisman Museum of Art @weismanmuseumofart
12–3 PM, Complimentary Food from the Okamoto Food Truck @okamotokitchen and Haole Shave Ice Food Trucks @hbshaveice
1–2 PM, Performance of The Pa’akai We Bring by Honolulu Theatre for Youth @honolulutheatreforyouth
2:30 PM, Guided Tour of the Weisman Museum of Art @weismanmuseumofart